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What is Freemasonry
Freemasonry is the world’s oldest and largest fraternity. Its history and tradition date to antiquity. Its singular purpose is to make good men better. Its bonds of friendship, compassion, and brotherly love have survived even the most divisive political, military, and religious conflicts through the centuries. Freemasonry is neither a forum nor a place for worship. Instead, it is a friend of all religions which are based on the belief in one God.
Freemasonry has its lodges throughout the free world. You'll find Masons meeting in almost every town and village and - except where repressive governments make their existence difficult - they're readily found. None of these lodges was ever organized as a result of any type of 'missionary' work: they came into existence because a group of Masons wanted to share the friendship and fraternity with others in the area.
What is SO often misunderstood is a simple fact: there are few but important requirements to become a Freemason!
- Being a man, freeborn, of good repute and well-recommended;
- A belief in a Supreme Being;
- Ability to support one's self and family;
- Of lawful age

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